Gay pride flag emoji facebook

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You can access the profile frame by visiting or by tapping on the Edit button on your own profile picture. Throughout the month of June, you might see a message from Facebook in your News Feed wishing you a Happy Pride and inviting you to add a colorful, Pride-themed profile frame. Update Your Profile Pic with a Rainbow Frame This year, we’re excited to unveil more ways than ever before for people to show their pride and support for the LGBTQ community on Facebook: In fact, this year, over 12 million people across the globe are part of one of the 76,000 Facebook Groups in support of the LGBTQ community, and more than 1.5 million people plan to participate in one of the more than 7,500 Pride events on Facebook. By Alex Schultz, VP & Executive Sponsor of Pride celebrations begin around the world, Facebook is proud to support our diverse community, including those that have identified themselves on Facebook as gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender or gender non-conforming.

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